Owner Scott Schonschack bought an existing sign making company called Adver-SIGN in 1992, located in St. Joseph, Michigan. He operated from an 800 sq. ft. shop, without a “real” production area or bay for vehicle lettering for 6 years.
In 1994 Scott teamed up with a local radio station to operate a franchised sign shop under a new name. The shop wasn’t much better in size, but he did get a garage for installs (when the station van wasn’t in there!) This partnership would last until the Fall of 1997. The station then “downsized” eliminating the sign shop. This was Scott’s chance to go it on his own, again. The perfect opportunity to take his shop to the next level. Art & Image, Inc was born. With a nice view of the St. Joseph river and Clementines restaurant across the parking lot, Scott took his dream to a new level. Expanding the sign “shop” into a full service fabrication studio to serve all of Southwest Michigan. It would not be long before ground would break for yet another chapter.